Whoopee, I thought to myself as I realized my Illustration Friday word had been chosen. I saw a week of rest and relaxation unfolding before my eyes as I imagined that the hard work of coming up with the brilliant idea to illustrate this week's word was already finished. Hmmm... hmmm... + hmmm... I must have had a briliant idea in mind when I submitted this word. But, a few weeks of conquering life's daily adventures later, my brilliant idea to illustrate 'unfold' seems to have vanished... if it was ever there in the first place. I simply can't remember. So for me, it turned out to be the same procedure as every week... and instead of getting to sit around and be lazy all weekend, my treat turned out to be that lots and lots of new people visited my blog just because I suggested the word 'unfold'. How great! Thanks to everyone who stopped by and thanks to the people from IF for choosing my word :-)